50YP Program
Young professionals venturing into contamination control signify opportunities for growth, learning, and community engagement. The International Confederation of Contamination Control Societies (ICCCS) is actively recruiting new members to participate in committees, extending a warm invitation to individuals from varied backgrounds keen on active engagement.


In light of this, a tailored program has been curated for these emerging professionals at the upcoming ISCC2024 Symposium, poised to offer a wealth of insights and networking prospects.
  • Welcome “aperitivo” in the congress exhibition area at the MeliĆ  hotel on the evening of October 15
  • Attendance at the 2-day congress including coffee and lunch breaks and of course a free access to the exhibition area
  • “Power breakfast” early in the morning of Thursday, October 17 in a dedicated room at the MeliĆ  hotel, given by Antonella Martignoni (Quality Assurance expert)
  • “Crash course” on steam sterilization at the Fedegari plant in Albuzzano near Pavia on October 18 (including transportation to and from Pavia train station, lunch at the company canteen)
  • Hands-on workshop all day on October 19 at the cleanroom of the Politecnico di Milano (Bovisa campus) with a theoretical part in the morning and a practical part in the afternoon on contamination control topics


Fedegari Group has always been committed to cultivating the talents of the future, creating within itself a stimulating environment where creativity and innovation can thrive. The sponsorship of this program goes in this direction. With this initiative, Fedegari Group demonstrates once again that it invests in the progress of society as a whole.